
Botanical Interests – Pea Snap – Sugar Magnolia Seeds


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Introducing the striking 'Sugar Magnolia' snap peas—a beautiful twist on the classic pea with their vivid purple pods and flowers. Not just a color standout, these peas offer a deliciously tender texture and sweet flavor. The 6'-7' vines are supported by long hypertendrils, which help prevent mildew and create an airy structure for the plant. Ideal for those looking to add a touch of color to their garden, 'Sugar Magnolia' is a cross between the 'Parsley Bush' pea and 'Purple Podded' vining pea. Harvest the 3″–4″ purple pods regularly for the best yield and flavor.

This packet sows up to 6 feet. 39 seeds in packet.

Variety Info:


Botanical Name: Pisum sativum var. macrocarpum
Days to Maturity: 70 days
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Western Asia, Europe, and North Africa
Hardiness: Frost-tolerant annual
Plant Dimensions: 6'–7' vines
Variety Information: 3″–4″ purple pods. 'Sugar Magnolia' is a cross between 'Parsley Bush' pea and 'Purple Podded' vining pea.
Type: Snap pea
Attributes: Long Vines

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date, when soil temperature is at least 40°F, ideally 60°–80°F and again 10 to 12 weeks before your average first frost date. In Mild Climates, sow in fall or winter for winter harvest. Best grown in temperatures less than 85°F.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended.
Days to Emerge: 5–10 days
Seed Depth: 1″
Seed Spacing: 2″
Row Spacing: 4'–6' apart
Thinning: Not required.

Growing Info:


Harvesting: Snap peas should be harvested when peas are plump; pick regularly to increase yield. Use scissors to harvest or hold vine with one hand and pick the pods with the other; vines are fragile.