
Botanical Interests – Onion Shallot – Zebrune Seeds

SKU: BOT01-0000764 Tags: , , , ,


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Savor the sweet, mild flavor of the 'Zebrune' shallot, a chef-favorite, easy-to-peel eschalion variety known for its delicate taste. This long-day shallot is a cross between a shallot and an onion, producing large, torpedo-shaped bulbs with a copper-colored wrapper and a creamy interior. Popular in French cuisine, it's also called 'Cuisse de Poulet du Poitou,' meaning “leg of the chicken” due to its unique shape. Zebrune shallots resist bolting and perform well in warm climates, making them an excellent choice for a variety of dishes, from savory meals to light, fresh preparations like vinaigrettes.

This packet sows up to 12 feet. 70 seeds in packet.

Variety Info:


Botanical Name: Allium cepa
Days to Maturity: 100 days from transplanting
Family: Alliaceae
Native: Exists only in cultivation
Hardiness: Biennial grown as an annual
Variety Information: Thick, 2″–6″ long, torpedo-shaped bulbs with a copper-colored wrapper and cream-colored interior. 'Zebrune' is also called Cuisse de Poulet de Poitou.
Type: Eschalion, long-day shallot

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: 4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date, or as soon as soil can be worked; when soil temperature is at least 45°F.
When to Start Inside: RECOMMENDED. 10 to 12 weeks before your average last frost date. Transplant outdoors 4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date. The earlier the start, the bigger the bulb. Ideal soil temperature is 60°–85°F.
Days to Emerge: 7–15 days
Seed Depth: ¼”
Seed Spacing: A group of 2 seeds every 4″
Row Spacing: 12″–16″
Thinning: When 2″ tall, thin to 1 every 4″

Growing Info:


Harvesting: Shallot bulbs can be harvested at any desirable size. To harvest large bulbs at full maturity, wait until tops have fallen over and turned yellow or brown, they are ready for harvest. Harvest in the morning, lifting the bulbs with a garden fork. Dry them in the garden in the sun for 2 to 3 days, lightly covering the bulbs with straw, or the tops of other onions to prevent sunscald. Cure them for 3 to 7 days in a dry area with good air circulation. Once dry, cut the roots to 1/4″, and the greens to 1″ to create a seal, preventing decay.