The Round Zucchini is a unique, globe-shaped variety perfect for stuffing or even as individual serving bowls for soups. With a smooth, light green skin, these compact bushes produce 3″–4″ wide squash that can be harvested at their most tender. The leaves, often speckled with silver, add visual interest to your garden. Not just for savory dishes, the blossoms are also delicious when fried. Ideal for container gardening or smaller spaces, this variety thrives with consistent harvesting, ensuring a continuous supply of tasty squash throughout the summer.
This packet sows up to 11 mounds. 22 seeds.
Variety Info:
Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo
Days to Maturity: 45 days
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Native: North America
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive annual
Plant Dimensions: Compact bush up to 24″ tall and 36″ wide
Variety Information: 3″–4″ globe-shaped, light green, with a smooth outer texture. Leaves often speckled/mottled with silver.
Type: Zucchini, Bush
Attributes: Good for Containers
Sowing Info:
When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is 70°–85°F.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended except in very short growing seasons, 2 to 4 weeks before transplanting. Roots are sensitive to disturbance; sow in biodegradable pots that can be planted directly into the ground. Transplant when soil temperature is at least 60°F.
Days to Emerge: 5–10 days
Seed Depth: ½”–1″
Seed Spacing: 2–3 seeds per mound
Row Spacing: 3'–4'
Thinning: When 3 leaves, thin to 1 plant per mound
Growing Info:
Harvesting: Harvest frequently to increase yield; squash seem to get monstrous overnight. While edible at almost any size, seeds are less developed in young fruit, therefore more tender. Using a knife or clippers, cut squash off including some of the stem. By including stem, the fruit is sealed and less likely to mold or dry out. Harvesting Blossoms: Look for male, non-fruit producing flowers that have long stems and harvest just before use (female flowers have a swollen mini-squash at the base of the flower and are on shorter stems).