Sweet Peet Mulch – 1.5 CU FT
Sweet Peet Mulch – 1.5 CU FT Sweet Peet Mulch – 1.5 CU FT

Sweet Peet Mulch – 1.5 CU FT


Brighton | 49
Chelmsford | 64
Concord | 91
Falmouth | 173
Osterville | 48
Tewksbury | 172
Winchester | 1761
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Our Sweet Peet is the premium organic mulch for flower and vegetable gardens. As a buffer for both acid and alkaline (low and high pH) soils, it helps to maintain the desired gardening sweet spot for your plants. The mulch goes through a thermal stage where weeds and weed seeds are destroyed, preventing contamination in your garden.

This is the best organic mulch for your vegetable garden. It enriches the soil, transforms into humus and improves tilth. Sweet Peet also encourages beneficial earthworms and replenishes microbes that are often destroyed by harsh chemicals and acid rain.

Like most mulches, it suppresses weeds by smothering the soil and because of the way it's produced,it creates an undesirable growing medium for weeds. If your looking for organic mulch, Sweet Peet is the best choice for your vegetable garden!

1.5 CU FT bag size. Available for in store pickup or delivery.