Elephant Ears – Hawaiian Punch – 1 Bulb Pack

Elephant Ears – Hawaiian Punch – 1 Bulb Pack

SKU: NET01-0002174 Tag:


Winchester | 20
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Add a tropical flair to your garden with Hawaiian Punch Elephant Ears, featuring wide, deep-green leaves atop striking bright red stems. This bold foliage plant thrives in partial sun to partial shade and brings stunning contrast to garden beds, borders, and containers. With a height range of 24-40 inches, it creates an eye-catching display that lasts all season long.

Easy to grow in well-drained soil, this variety requires no fertilizer and performs exceptionally well in containers, making it easy to overwinter in colder climates. Space bulbs at least 2 feet apart for optimal growth.

Planting and Maintenance Info:
Light Requirements: Partial Sun, Partial Shade

Dig a hole slightly deeper than the bulb itself. Place in hole, blunt side down. Space multiple bulbs at least 2 feet apart. Requires no fertilizer. Excellent plant for containers which can then be easily lifted in northern climates where they may not survive the winter if left unprotected.

Plant Height: 24-40 Inches
Bloom Time: Foliage plant all season
Hardiness Zone: 7-11

Pick up some Bulb Tone in 4lb or 18lb bags to get the best out of your Elephant Ear bulbs!