Castine Blend Organic Raised Bed Mix – 2 CU FT
Volume Pricing Eligible

Coast of Maine – Castine Blend Organic Raised Bed Mix – 2 CU FT

SKU: 2776 Tags: , ,


Falmouth | 35
Osterville | 23
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Coast of Maine Castine Blend Organic Raised Bed Mix is a rich and diverse soil for growing big and healthy vegetables, herbs and flowers. It is made with a mixture of manure compost, worm castings, lobster and kelp meals, mycorrhizae, greensand and biochar. It is ready to use straight out of the bag with no need for additional components or tilling.

Castine Blend™ Organic & Natural Raised Bed Mix is the ideal soil for raised bed organic gardening. It is carefully formulated to provide balance between structure, water retention, drainage and aeration for growing strong, vigorous vegetables, herbs and flowers in raised beds, planter boxes or other container gardens. It provides your garden the rich and diverse soil it needs.

It is OMRI listed for use in organic gardens.

Target pH 6.5

*Volume Pricing available: Buy 10 or more bags of eligible product get 10% off.