
Black Beauty Grass Seed – Dense Shade – 1LB

SKU: JON02-0240622 Tags: , , , , ,


Brighton | 21
Concord | 24
Falmouth | 24
Osterville | 16
Tewksbury | 24
Winchester | 39
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Black Beauty® Dense Shade Grass Seed contains shade-tolerant Black Beauty® varieties for lawns with big shady trees, large shrubs, or areas shaded by houses or other permanent structures. Black Beauty® Dense Shade contains turf-type tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, fine fescues and Kentucky Bluegrass which create great versatility in shady to partial sun lawns. This seed germinates in 14 to 21 days.

When overseeding, 1lb bag seeds lawn up to 600 SQ FT.
When seeding new lawns, 25lb bag seeds lawns up to 300 SQ FT.

Black Beauty® Dense Shade Grass Seed 1lb bag is available for in store pickup or delivery.