product-110211-1719947235-OLD06-0000004 product-110211-1719947238-OLD06-0000004^2 product-110211-1719947241-OLD06-0000004^3
Volume Pricing Eligible

Kolorscape Pea Gravel – 0.5 CU FT

SKU: OLD06-0000004 Tags: , , , ,


Chelmsford | 62
Falmouth | 474
Tewksbury | 37
Winchester | 608
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KolorScape Pea Gravel will add to your landscape making the space look larger and vibrant. Stones change color due to moisture with wet rocks looking darker brown and dry rocks looking more grey toned.

  • Beautiful mixture of natural color
  • Easy to apply for all levels of landscapers
  • Perfect for flower beds, planters, walkways, driveways, and drainage areas
  • Will not decay
  • Controls erosion
  • Specs:
    Bag size: 0.5 Cu Ft
    Sq Ft coverage at 2″ depth: 3

    How Many Bags Will You Need?
    Area to Cover:
    3' x 15' (45 Sq Ft) – 15 bags for 2″ depth; 22 bags for 3″ depth
    5' x 20' (100 Sq Ft) – 32 bags for 2″ depth; 49 bags for 3″ depth
    5' x 30' (150 Sq Ft) – 48 bags for 2″ depth; 73 bags for 3″ depth
    10' x 25' (250 Sq Ft) – 80 bags for 2″ depth; 123 bags for 3″ depth
    Or Multiply Sq Ft by – 0.33 bags for 2″ depth; 0.5 bags for 3″ depth

    *Volume Pricing available: Buy 10 or more bags of eligible product get 10% off.