Hydrangea – Unique – #3 Container
Hydrangea – Unique – #3 Container Hydrangea – Unique – #3 Container

Hydrangea – Unique – #3 Container


Falmouth | 9
Winchester | 3
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Hydrangea – Unique is a distinctive medium-sized shrub prized for its impressive cone-shaped panicles of white flowers that bloom from mid-summer to late fall. These bold and showy flowers are ideal for cutting, adding elegance to floral arrangements and indoor displays. The plant features green deciduous foliage that provides a lush backdrop to the abundant blooms throughout the blooming season.

Ideal for gardens with partial shade, Unique Hydrangea thrives in slightly acidic, well-drained soil conditions. While somewhat coarse in appearance, regular pruning is recommended to maintain its shape and promote healthy growth. The pointy leaves remain green and do not undergo significant color changes in the fall, maintaining the shrub's attractive appearance year-round.

Perfect for garden borders or as a focal point, Hydrangea – Unique adds visual interest with its striking floral display and robust foliage. Its ability to bloom well into the fall makes it a valuable addition to gardens seeking prolonged seasonal beauty and charm.

New to planting? We’ve got you covered with our Trees & Shrubs Planting Guide.

For best results, pick up some Compost and Bio-Tone Starter Plus!

Each plant comes in a #3 (3 gallon) growers pot. The plant shown is an example of what you will receive, all plants are individuals and we strive to pick out the best for you.

Plant Specs:

Botanical Name: Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique'
Light: full sun, part sun, full shade
Watering: a little more than average
Soil: moist, slightly acidic
Zone: 3 – 8

Plant Shape: upright spreading
Plant Type: deciduous shrub
Mature Size: height (10') , width (10')
Blooming Season: summer – fall

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