Garden Peony – Cotton Candy Mix – 3 Bulb Pack

Garden Peony – Cotton Candy Mix – 3 Bulb Pack

SKU: NET01-0001630 Tag:


Winchester | 18
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The Garden Peony Cotton Candy Mix features shrubby clumps of green foliage supporting large, showy, fragrant flowers. Peonies are easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun, and once established, they become as hardy and dependable as oak trees, ensuring a fantastic bloom season year after year.

With a planting depth of just 1 inch and 1 bulb per square foot, the Garden Peony Cotton Candy Mix grows to a height of 28-36 inches. Blooming from late spring to early summer, these peonies create a beautiful, fragrant display in your garden. Ants on peony buds are common but harmless, adding to the charm of these low-maintenance, pest-resistant plants.

Planting and Maintenance Info:
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Planting Depth: 1 Inches
Bulbs per Square Foot: 1

Peonies are considered to be relatively pest free. Ants on peony buds are common and totally harmless.

Plant Height: 28-36 In
Bloom Time: Blooms late spring to early summer
Hardiness Zone: 3-8

Pick up some Bulb Tone in 4lb or 18lb bags to get the best out of your Garden Peony bulbs!