
Earth Science Fast Acting Gypsum – 2.5 LB

SKU: ESC98-0000010 Tags: , , , , ,


Brighton | 4
Concord | 27
Falmouth | 25
Osterville | 14
Tewksbury | 12
Winchester | 11
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Earth Science Fast Acting Gypsum® starts working immediately to loosen clay and other compact soils, creating a better environment for plants to thrive. The result is improved water penetration, more workable soil, and better root development.

Having trouble growing in clay and compact soils? Sometimes all it takes is some loosening up.

Helps repair salt damaged soils.

Easy Application – Apply quickly with any spreader.
Safe for Grass – Safe to use on any grass type.
People & Pets – People and pets can use the lawn immediately after application.

2.5 lbs – 500 sq. ft.