Chives – 4″ Pot

Chives – 4″ Pot


Brighton | 66
Chelmsford | 28
Concord | 17
Falmouth | 5
Osterville | 6
Tewksbury | 43
Winchester | 17
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Chives are a wonderful garnish for many dishes. Chives have a wide variety of culinary uses and are one of the “fine herbs” of French cuisine. Considered a perennial in the Northeast, chives will come back every year if grown in the ground. They grow in clumps and are easily transplanted. Lavender flowers add color in salads.

How to Grow:
Plant in full sun 15″ (38 cm) apart.
Grows to 10″ (25 cm) tall.