Broccoli – Destiny – 4″ Pot
Broccoli – Destiny – 4″ Pot Broccoli – Destiny – 4″ Pot Broccoli – Destiny – 4″ Pot

Broccoli – Destiny – 4″ Pot


Brighton | 19
Chelmsford | 28
Concord | 10
Falmouth | 4
Osterville | 4
Tewksbury | 10
Winchester | 5
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Broccoli Destiny is mid-early, compact and heat tolerant. This variety produces medium-small green beads, a smooth dome and a round shape. Destiny is a flavorful source of Vitamins A and C. Suited for Fall harvest when planted in Summer.

Maturity: 70-75 days

Shows good heat tolerance.
Plant in full sun.
Water when dry.