Bunching Onion – Parade – 4″ Pot

Bunching Onion – Parade – 4″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0001585 Tags: , , , , ,


Chelmsford | 10
Concord | 10
Falmouth | 10
Osterville | 10
Tewksbury | 10
Winchester | 16
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Discover the excellence of Uncle Mike's Parade Bunching Onion, meticulously cultivated in our Woburn Greenhouses. This premium selection yields exquisite, straight scallions with exceptionally long white roots, embodying superior quality and flavor. With firm, mild-tasting ends that resist bulb formation, this variety ensures a continuous harvest. Additionally, the roots can be replanted, providing an ongoing source of fresh produce.

Growing Requirements:

  • Thrives in full sun conditions.
  • Water when the soil is dry.