
TIGER BLOOM 2-8-4 1 PINT — Vicious Bloomer with Micronutrients

SKU: FOX98-0000003 Tags: , , , ,


Chelmsford | 1
Concord | 8
Falmouth | 1
Tewksbury | 4
Winchester | 5
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Our Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 pint size fertilizer by FoxFarm, is a great choice for both hydroponic and soil applications. It's a fast acting phosphorus fertilizer, that also contains nitrogen to support vigorous plant growth. Tiger Bloom prolongs flowering, increases size and intensifies the color spectrum and scent. When used on vegetables, it increases crop size and even sweetens the flavor.

Also formulated with a low pH to both maintain stability in storage and keep micronutrients available. Use Tiger Bloom at the first signs of flowering through harvest. Works best when used with Big Bloom or Grow Big.

How to Use:

Raise the pH of your nutrient solution to the desired level of between 5.8 and 6.3 to optimize nutrient availability. Add a pH up adjuster as needed. For Hydroponic Systems use a conductivity or ppm meter to monitor water quality and control nutrient strength.

General Feeding
2-3 tsp (10-15 mL) per gallon (4 L) of water every other watering
Heavy Feeding
4 tsp. (20 mL) per gallon (4 L0 of water every other watering
Recirculating systems
2 tsp (10 mL) per gallon (4 L) of water with every reservoir change
Use 3 tsp. (15 mL) for heavy feeding
Supplemental Foliar Feeding
½ tsp (2.5 mL) per gallon (4 L) of water every other week
Do not apply under direct light or during heat of the day

For best results, try following one of the FoxFarm feeding schedules

Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 pint size fertilizer is available for both in store pickup or delivery.

Looking for the perfect soil, try our FoxFarm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog