product-135573-1719964027-WOB01-0002127 product-135573-1719964034-WOB01-0002127^2 product-135573-1719964041-WOB01-0002127^3

Pepper – Sweet Heat – 4″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0002127 Tags: , , ,


Brighton | 3
Chelmsford | 22
Falmouth | 5
Tewksbury | 17
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Sweet Heat Pepper is a perfectly calibrated blend of sweetness and heat. This sweet hot pepper is a small space plant with a high yield. It's great for containers! Perfect in salads, salsa, grilling and more.

Scoville Heat Scale: 235-329

Light: Full Sun
Water: When dry