Peperomia Marble
Peperomia Marble product-170341-1736527694-WOB01-0002561^2

Peperomia – Marble Variegated – 4″ Pot


Brighton | 1
Chelmsford | 13
Concord | 8
Tewksbury | 12
Winchester | 39
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Peperomia Marble is a stunning tropical houseplant featuring waxy leaves marbled with dark green, olive green, and creamy white patterns. Its striking variegation adds a touch of elegance to any indoor space.

New to houseplants? Take a look at our beginners guide to get started.  Not sure how to winter a houseplant look no further for some tips & tricks!

Visit our Houseplant Care section for soils, soil amendments and fertilizers.

Each plant comes in a 4″ growers pot. The image shown represents an example of what you may receive. Please note that the height, shape, and fullness of each plant may vary due to natural growth patterns. Rest assured, we will select the healthiest and most vibrant plant for you.

Plant Specs:

Light: bright, indirect light
Watering: around once every 7-10 days
Humidity: moderate – high humidity
Temperature: 65-75 degrees
Soil: Well draining soil mix

Have any questions or need help finding the right plant? Reach out to our Customer Service team using the blue chat function on the right to call, text, or email them. They are happy to help!