
Iron-Tone 3-0-3 – 5LB


Brighton | 29
Chelmsford | 4
Concord | 18
Falmouth | 2
Osterville | 19
Tewksbury | 10
Winchester | 40
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Espoma Iron-tone helps turn yellow chlorotic plants back to green! It’s a rich blend of the finest natural & organic ingredients and enhanced with beneficial microbes. No sludges or fillers are ever used. And because it’s made in our state-of-the-art solar powered manufacturing facility, consistency and quality are guaranteed.

  • Fast acting iron supplement
  • Turns yellow to green naturally
  • Will not stain concrete surfaces
  • Contains Elemental Sulfur to Help Acidify Soil

For lawns, flowers, vegetables, evergreen & ornamental shrubs, berries, citrus, shade, ornamental & fruit trees.

When to use:
Early Spring, or any time during the growing season where iron chlorosis (yellow leaves) exists.