Gladiolus Large Flowering – Pastel Blend – 30 Bulb Pack

Gladiolus Large Flowering – Pastel Blend – 30 Bulb Pack

SKU: NET01-0001997 Tags: ,


Winchester | 6
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The Gladiolus Large Flowering Pastel Blend offers a soft, pastel palette of funnel-shaped blooms that open gracefully from the bottom to the top of tall flower stalks, surrounded by sword-like foliage. These gladioluses are exceptionally easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. Perfect for gardeners looking to add height and a burst of color to their summer garden.

For a prolonged blooming season and fresh cut flowers, plant the Gladiolus Large Flowering Pastel Blend in two-week intervals. At 48-60 inches in height, these plants may require staking for added support as they reach their full bloom.

Planting and Maintenance Info:
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Planting Depth: 8 Inches
Bulbs per Square Foot: 4

Plant in two week intervals for extended bloom season and continuous availability of fresh cut flowers, stake flowers when needed.

Plant Height: 48-60 Inches
Bloom Time: Blooms summer
Hardiness Zone: 8-10

Pick up some Bulb Tone in 4lb or 18lb bags to get the best out of your Gladiolus bulbs!