If you're craving a tomato with deep, rich flavor, “Beefy Purple” is the one you need. This determinate variety boasts a robust umami taste with smoky notes, similar to fire-roasted tomatoes. The fruits weigh between 12-14 oz and feature striking mahogany skin adorned with dark green stripes, making them as beautiful as they are flavorful. With a quick maturation time of 75 days from transplanting, this “Cream of the Crop” original is a perfect choice for gardeners looking for a tomato that delivers top-tier taste and texture for fresh slicing.
Variety Info:
Days to Maturity: 75 days from transplanting after last chance of spring frost.
Family: Solanaceae
Type: Determinate, Slicing Tomato (Learn more)
Native: Andes
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive annual
Exposure: Full sun; at least 6 hours per day. Temperatures above 55°F at night are required for fruit set. Night temperatures above 75°F in the summer inhibit fruit set.
Plant Dimensions: 36″ tall
Variety Info: 12-14 oz mahogany colored fruits with dark green stripes.
Attributes: Frost Sensitive
Sowing Info:
When to Sow Outside: For mild climates only: 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is at least 60°F.
When to Start Inside: RECOMMENDED. 4 to 6 weeks before transplanting. Transplant when air temperature is 45°F or warmer, usually 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 70°-90°F.
Days to Emerge: 5-10 days
Seed Depth: 1/4″
Seed Spacing: A group of 3 seeds every 24″
Row Spacing: 36″
Thinning: When 2″ tall, thin to 1 every 24″
Growing Info:
Harvesting: Tomatoes may also be picked at the “first blush” stage, when 50% of the tomatoes' color has begun to change, and ripened at room temperature without decreasing flavor or nutrition. For “Beefy Purple”, “blushing” will occur in between the green stripes. Picking often and early increases yield, and decreases the risk of cracking and pest damage. Ripe fruit left on the vine during rain or watering is more susceptible to splitting. About 1 month before the average first fall frost, clip all blossoms and undersized fruit off the plant, signaling to the plant to ripen what's left. Pick any unripe fruit before frost, and store them indoors in a single layer away from direct sunlight to ripen.
Special Care: Do not mulch when weather is still cool; the roots of young plants need to be in soil that is warmed by the sun. When the weather warms up and plants are established, mulch to a depth of 2″ or 3″ with a material such as straw, leaves, or compost, to conserve moisture, reduce weed growth, and keep the roots warm.