
Botanical Interests – Sunflower Dwarf – Teddy Bear Seeds


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The Dwarf 'Sunspot' Sunflower is an ideal choice for gardeners with limited space or kids eager to grow their first sunflowers. Reaching just 18″–24″ tall, this compact plant produces large, 6″–10″ flowers with bright yellow petals and a golden-brown center. It thrives in full sun and blooms from summer to frost, making it perfect for containers, cut flowers, or as a short hedge. 'Sunspot' attracts pollinators, while birds will enjoy the seeds in the fall and winter. The edible petals add a bittersweet touch to salads and desserts, and the young buds can be enjoyed like artichokes.

Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus
Family: Asteraceae
Native: North America
Hardiness: Annual
Plant Dimensions: 24–36″ tall, 12″–24″ wide
Variety Information: 3″–5″ double, golden-yellow flowers resemble huge chrysanthemums.
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Period: Summer to frost
Attributes: Attracts Pollinators, Cut Flower, Drought Tolerant, Good for Containers, Heat Tolerant

When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date.
When to Start Inside: 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date. Sunflowers are senstive to root disturbance; sow in biodegradable pots that can be planted directly in the ground.
Days to Emerge: 10–15 days
Seed Depth: ¼”–½”
Seed Spacing: A group of 3 seeds every 6″–9″
Thinning: When 2″ tall, thin to 1 every 6″–9″

Harvesting: For longest vase life, harvest flowers in the morning and choose flowers that have just a few petals lifting off the central disk.

47 seeds.