
Botanical Interests – Parsnip – Javelin Seeds

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Expand your root vegetable repertoire with Javelin parsnips, known for their creamy-white, tapered roots and excellent canker resistance. These hearty roots reach up to 10″ long and develop their sweetest flavor after a hard frost. With a growing period of 110 days, these frost-tolerant parsnips are perfect for fall or early spring harvest. Sow them in late spring or early summer to enjoy their uniquely sweet taste in your favorite recipes.

Variety Info:


Days to Maturity: 110 days
Family: Apiaceae
Native: Eurasia
Hardiness: Biennial grown as annual. Roots can be harvested in fall after a few frosts or left in ground through winter for harvest before tops begin growth in spring.
Exposure: Full sun but will grow in part shade
Plant Dimensions: Roots are up to 10″ long and the tops (shoulders) up to 2.5″ across.
Variety Info: Creamy-white, tapered roots; leaves are similar to carrot foliage, but much broader.
Attributes: Frost Tolerant

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. Late spring or early summer, about 4 months before your average first fall frost date. Mild Climates: Sow in fall for harvest the following spring. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 50°-70°F.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended.
Days to Emerge: 10-25 days
Seed Depth: 1/2″
Seed Spacing: A group of 3 seeds every 3″
Row Spacing: 18″
Thinning: When 4″ tall, thin to 1 every 3″

Growing Info:


Special Care: To harvest parsnips, dig them up with a shovel or garden fork being careful not to cut or damage roots. If you wish to harvest before winter, leave parsnips in the ground for at least 2 weeks after a hard fall frost. You can improve the sweetness by storing at 32°-34°F for 2 weeks before using. If you leave parsnips in the soil over winter, throw a few inches of soil over the crowns and mulch heavily with straw or compost after the first fall frosts. During extended cold periods, stored starches are changed to sugar as the first-year plants prepare for new growth, thus roots harvested in early spring are especially tender and sweet. The roots lose flavor and become fibrous if you do not harvest them before new tops and seed stalks begin to grow.