
Botanical Interests – Mint – Common Seeds

SKU: BOT01-0000845 Tags: , , ,


Concord | 9
Falmouth | 15
Osterville | 10
Winchester | 8
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Common Mint (Mentha sp.) is an aromatic, versatile herb that brings the refreshing essence of summer to your garden. Known for its fragrant, cooling scent, it’s perfect for enhancing iced tea, mixed drinks, and savory dishes like meats, stews, and vegetable fritters. Though not a specific variety like peppermint or spearmint, Common Mint offers a unique flavor and is loved by bees for its tiny flowers. This hardy perennial thrives in USDA zones 6 and warmer and can spread indefinitely through rhizomes, reaching up to 18″ tall. It grows well in full sun to part shade and is also deer resistant.

This packet sows up to 74 feet. 220 seeds.

Variety Info:


Botanical Name: Mentha sp.
Family: Laminaceae
Native: Unknown
Hardiness: Perennial in USDA zones 6 and warmer, and possibly down to zone 3.
Plant Dimensions: 18″ tall and spreading indefinitely by underground stems called rhizomes.
Variety Information: This common mint is neither peppermint, spearmint, nor any other specific type. Mints readily cross-pollinate, so plants grown from seed are more variable.
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Attributes: Deer Resistant, Good for Containers

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 68°–75°F.
When to Start Inside: 6 to 8 weeks before your average last frost date.
Days to Emerge: 7–14 days
Seed Depth: Press into surface
Seed Spacing: A group of 3 seeds every 12″
Row Spacing: 18″
Thinning: Thin to 1 every 12″

Growing Info:


Harvesting: Pick individual leaves or sprigs at any time.