Cucumber – Homemade Pickles Seeds – Organic

Botanical Interests – Cucumber – Homemade Pickles Seeds – Organic

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Chelmsford | 4
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Enjoy the satisfaction of making your own pickles with 'Homemade Pickles' cucumber seeds! This organic variety delivers high yields of medium-green fruits with the ideal texture for pickling or fresh eating. Harvest cucumbers anywhere from 1½” to 6″ long, and grow them on compact 4'–5' vines perfect for containers. With resistance to common diseases like powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus, these cucumbers are a dependable choice for every gardener.

This packet sows up to 22 feet of trellised cucumbers.

Variety Info:


Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus
Days to Maturity: 55 days
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Native: Southern Asia
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive annual
Plant Dimensions: 4'–5' vines
Variety Information: Fruits are medium green with small, white “spines” can be harvested from 1½”–6″ long. Resistant to anthracnose, angular leaf spot, cucumber mosaic virus, downy mildew, and powdery mildew.
Type: Monoecious, pickling cucumber

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is at least 60°F, ideally 70°–90°F.
When to Start Inside: 2 to 4 weeks before average last frost. Cucumbers are sensitive to root disturbance; sow in biodegradable pots.
Days to Emerge: 5–10 days
Seed Depth: ½”
Seed Spacing: A group of 2 seeds every 12″
Row Spacing: 36″
Thinning: When 3 leaves, thin to 1 plant every 12″

Growing Info:


Harvesting: Pick, and pick some more! Overly mature cucumbers on the vine will slow production of new cucumbers. Cut the stem rather than pulling at the fruit, as stems are fragile. To increase the quality and storage time, once picked, immediately immerse in cold water to disperse ôfield heatö.