Add a celestial touch to your garden with 'Martian Jewels' sweet corn. This unique variety features stunning violet cobs, husks, and stems paired with pearl-white kernels for a one-of-a-kind appearance. The flavor is slightly less sweet than modern hybrids, offering a traditional taste with the added bonus of beneficial anthocyanins from its Native American Hopi blue corn heritage. Harvest fresh for sweet, tender corn on the cob, or allow the ears to mature for use in baking or grinding into nutrient-rich flour.
Botanical Name: Zea mays
Days to Maturity: 80–90 Days
Family: Poaceae
Native: Americas
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive annual
Plant Dimensions: 6' tall
Variety Information: 8″–10″ ears. Kernels are pearl-white while cobs, stems, and husks are deep-violet.
Type: Sugary (su)
When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is at least 60°F; ideally 65°–90°F.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended; roots sensitive to transplanting. Best results occur when seedlings are transplanted less than 2 weeks old.
Days to Emerge: 5–10 days
Seed Depth: 1″–1 ½”
Seed Spacing: A group of 2 seeds every 12″
Row Spacing: 24″–36″
Thinning: When 4″ tall, thin to 1 every 12″
Harvesting: Corn is ready about 3 weeks after the silks appear. Harvest when the silks are brown, but not dried, and the husks are dark green; ears should be plump, and rounded rather than pointed at the tip. To test for ripeness, gently pull back the husk and pop a kernel; the liquid should be whitish; if it is still clear, ears are not quite ready.
This packet sows up to 25 feet. 50 seeds.