
Black Beauty Grass Seed – Ultra – 7LB

SKU: JON02-0125018 Tags: , , , , ,


Chelmsford | 9
Concord | 1
Falmouth | 19
Osterville | 8
Tewksbury | 4
Winchester | 11
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Black Beauty® Ultra Grass Seed by Jonathan Green, combines elite tall fescue seed varieties with Kentucky bluegrass. Fills in bare spots quickly and invigorates worn-out lawns. Also contains premium perennial rye grass for fast germination and wear tolerance in lawns that experience heavy traffic.

Grows naturally dark-green turf and is most similar to the mixtures that sod growers purchase to grow high-quality sod within one year. Seed germinates in 7 – 14 days.

When overseeding, seeds lawn up to 2,800 SQ FT.
When seeding new lawns, seeds lawns up to 1,400 SQ FT.

Black Beauty® Ultra Grass Seed 7lb bag is available for in store pickup or delivery.