
Black Beauty Grass Seed – Sunny – 7LB


Brighton | 3
Chelmsford | 7
Concord | 6
Falmouth | 11
Osterville | 4
Tewksbury | 1
Winchester | 28
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Black Beauty® Sunny Grass Seed by Jonathan Green, contains turf grass varieties that perform best in full sun growing conditions. Due to their ability to tolerate heat and have great drought resistance. Turf-type tall fescues possess a waxy leaf coating, like the skin on an apple. Which preserves moisture by limiting evaporation and shielding the grass leaves from turf disease.

Performs particularly well on slopes where water runs off and in lawns with a southern exposure, whereas regular grass seed mixtures succumb to heat and drought stress. Seed germinates in 7-14 days.

When overseeding, seeds lawn up to 5,950 SQ FT.
When seeding new lawns, seeds lawns up to 2,975 SQ FT.

Black Beauty® Sunny Grass Seed 7lb bag is available for in store pickup or delivery.