
Black Beauty Grass Seed – Heavy Traffic – 3LB


Brighton | 15
Chelmsford | 3
Concord | 4
Falmouth | 32
Osterville | 16
Tewksbury | 8
Winchester | 39
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Black Beauty® Heavy Traffic Grass Seed by Jonathan Green, contains toughest and most durable turf grass varieties. With attractive, dark-green color and roots that grow up to 4-feet deep. Perfect for backyards, sports fields, curb strips or anywhere aggressive foot traffic from athletes, children and pets occurs.

Excels on sports fields where uniform lawn texture is important, so soccer, football and baseballs bounce true. Black Beauty® Heavy Traffic provides the wear tolerance and uniform good looks that these athletic playing fields require. Seed germinates in 10-14 days.

When overseeding, 3lb bag seeds lawn up to 1,200 SQ FT.
When seeding new lawns, 3lb bag seeds lawns up to 600 SQ FT.

Black Beauty® Heavy Traffic Grass Seed 3lb bag is available for in store pickup or delivery.

Product Specifications:
Grass Type: Tall Fescues, Perennial Rye
Grass Color: Dark Green
Recommended Planting Months: For cool-season grasses

  • Mid-August through mid-October
  • Mid-March through mid-May
  • Sun Tolerance: Excellent
    Shade Tolerance: Good
    Light Requirements: Full sun to partial shade (4-8 hours of sun)
    Drought Tolerance: Excellent
    Insect & Disease Resistance: Good
    High Traffic Tolerance: Excellent
    Planting Depth: 1/4 inches
    Germination Time: 7-14 days