product-56158-1719932742-BND98-4400213 product-56158-1719932744-BND98-4400213^2



Brighton | 17
Chelmsford | 12
Concord | 6
Falmouth | 34
Osterville | 11
Tewksbury | 16
Winchester | 17
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BONIDE All Seasons® Spray Oil contains a Superior paraffinic oil to be used to kill listed insects and diseases on plants by smothering. Approved for organic gardening.

Controls insects and diseases by suffocation
Approved for organic gardening
Dormant and growing season horticultural oil
Formulated with paraffinic oil to smother insects on listed plants
Kills insects and their overwintering eggs
Ready-to-spray Quart (32 oz) Twist & Shoot

Additional Product Information

USE YEAR ROUND – Our 3-in-1 product provides year-round protection against insects, mites, and diseases. Can be used at the dormant stage, green tip stage, delayed dormant stage, and during the growing season to prevent pest infestations and disease.
INSECT KILLER – Product envelops and smothers a variety of insects including adelgids, aphids, scale insects, mites, mealybugs, and certain species of moth.
DISEASE PREVENTION – Helps to control powdery mildew, rust, greasy spot, botrytis, and other listed diseases.
FOLIAGE PROTECTOR – Used to protect pears, cherries, ornamentals, shrubs, peaches, asparagus, corn, peppers, roses, and other crops listed on the label.
READY TO SPRAY – This product arrives in a container with an attached hose-end sprayer. Simply connect a garden hose to the sprayer and begin application.