product-135587-1719962985-WOB01-0001763 product-135587-1719962987-WOB01-0001763^2

Tomato – Mariana Plum – 4.5″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0001763 Tags: , , ,


Brighton | 8
Chelmsford | 33
Falmouth | 19
Tewksbury | 7
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Mariana Plum tomato is a full flavored Roma tomato. Best used for sauces, canning, salsa and cooking. The extra large 4-6oz Roma tomatoes are very uniform with deep red, smooth skin and thick walls. The Mariana Plum tomato plant produces heavy yields, and has great disease resistance.

74 days to harvest.

Light: Full Sun
Water: Consistently moist soil
Harvest: Determinate (one time harvest)