product-124409-1719963452-WOB01-0001821 product-124409-1719963458-WOB01-0001821^2 product-124409-1719963467-WOB01-0001821^3

Tomato – Big Beef – 6.5″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0001821 Tags: , , ,


Brighton | 3
Chelmsford | 1
Falmouth | 1
Tewksbury | 9
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Big Beef Tomato is an All-American selection! Extra large, 10-12 oz. ruby red tomatoes are firm, juicy and highly flavored. Great for BLTs, burgers or in salads. Don't forget to get some good support!

75 days to harvest.

Light: Full Sun
Water: Consistently moist soil
Harvest: Indeterminate (repeats harvest)