
Suet Plus Cake – Woodpecker Blend


Brighton | 9
Concord | 14
Tewksbury | 10
Winchester | 13
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Elevate your birdwatching experience with the Suet Plus Cake in a specialized Woodpecker Blend. Encased in a candy bar wrapper for bold graphics and easy-open, no-mess handling, this suet cake adds both convenience and style to your feathered guest offerings. The eco-friendly packaging, 100% recyclable, reflects our commitment to a sustainable world. Crafted with high-quality ingredients in a melt-resistant formulation, this suet cake ensures year-round use. Flavored with cracked corn, millet, and pecans, each 11 oz. Suet Plus Cake is a premium treat, attracting woodpeckers and providing a visually appealing, eco-conscious, and delicious feast.

1 Cake
Size: 11 oz.