
Suet Plug – Peanut Blend – 4 Pack

SKU: WLD98-0000034 Tags: ,


Winchester | 12
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Captivate wild birds with our Suet Plug Peanut Blend 4 Pack. These tube-shaped high-quality formulations are designed to fit seamlessly into holes drilled in wooden Suet Plug Feeders, creating an irresistible dining experience for your backyard visitors. Flavored with cracked corn and extra peanuts, each 11 oz. plug offers a delectable and nutritious treat that will keep birds coming back for more. Elevate your birdwatching adventure with the convenience and premium taste of our Suet Plug Peanut Blend 4 Pack, adding a touch of excitement to your feathered friends' feeding routine.

Size: 11 oz.