Port Orford Cedar Bunch

Port Orford Cedar Bunch


Brighton | 3
Chelmsford | 8
Concord | 4
Falmouth | 18
Osterville | 43
Tewksbury | 17
Winchester | 88
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Introducing our Port Orford Cedar Bunch, the epitome of holiday charm and versatility, sourced from the heart of nature's beauty. This exceptional cedar variety is celebrated for its short needles and gracefully cascading blue-green boughs, making it a stunning addition to any seasonal decor. Crafted with care and attention to detail, the Port Orford Cedar Bunch embodies the spirit of the season, providing a rich and inviting fragrance that enhances your festive atmosphere.

Its adaptability makes it the perfect choice for a wide range of holiday decor applications. Whether you're creating beautiful wreaths, adorning mantels, or enhancing festive arrangements, this cedar bunch adds a touch of elegance and natural allure to your home. Elevate your holiday experience with the distinct beauty of Port Orford Cedar, and embrace the timeless charm that this beloved variety brings to your seasonal celebrations.

Product Specs:

Size: Standard bunch size

Grab some Wilt Stop to keep your greens looking fresh all season long!