product-124334-1719961629-WOB01-0001653 product-124334-1719961638-WOB01-0001653^2 product-124334-1719961645-WOB01-0001653^3

Pepper – Biggie Chile – 4″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0001653 Tags: , , , , ,


Chelmsford | 22
Concord | 8
Falmouth | 14
Osterville | 2
Tewksbury | 33
Winchester | 1
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Biggie Chile Pepper is a mildly pungent fruit. Improved version of Big Chile II, an early maturer. Has an impressive yield and big, up to 9″ fruit. Strong plants provide protection from sunburn. Perfect for roasting, fajitas or eating fresh in salads. Ripens from green to red. Don't forget to get some good support!

68 days to harvest.

Scoville Heat Scale: 500

Light: Full Sun
Water: When dry