Kale – Toscano – 4″ Pot
Kale – Toscano – 4″ Pot Kale – Toscano – 4″ Pot

Kale – Toscano – 4″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0001618 Tags: , , , ,


Chelmsford | 10
Concord | 10
Falmouth | 10
Osterville | 10
Tewksbury | 10
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Explore the rich flavors of Uncle Mike's Toscano Kale, meticulously cultivated in our Woburn Greenhouses. Also known as “dinosaur kale,” this Italian variety, referred to as “Cavolo nero” or Toscano kale, stands out for its unique appearance and cold weather resilience. With its long, heavily blistered dark green leaves, almost resembling black, this kale variety yields abundantly from the center of the plant. Its flavor profile is further enhanced by frost, making it a sought-after ingredient for various culinary creations. From using young leaves as lettuce substitutes to cooking older leaves akin to cabbage, Toscano Kale adds versatility to dishes, particularly when incorporated into pasta or soups.

Maturity: 65 days

How to Grow:

  • Thrives in full sun or partial sun conditions.
  • Space plants 18-24″ (46-61 cm) apart in rows set 18-24″ (46-61 cm) apart for optimal growth.
  • Ensure regular watering, especially during dry spells.