
Jonathan Green: Step 3 Summer Survival – 15,000 SQFT

SKU: JON02-0242015 Tags: ,


Falmouth | 6
Tewksbury | 2
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Use Summer Survival Insect Control with Lawn Fertilizer by Jonathan Green, to eliminate surface feeding insects from lawns. Used on the lawn and in landscape beds to kill and control over 15 surface feeding insects. Including but not limited to: chinch bugs, billbugs, ticks, fleas, armyworms, ants, sod webworms and centipedes.

Also reduces insect entry into the home when applied within a 6 – 10 foot radius of the structure. The fertilizer in this product contains controlled release nitrogen which keeps grass greener longer and will never burn the lawn when used as directed. Please note that Summer Survival Insect Control does not kill grubs. Instead, use Jonathan Green Grub & Insect Control when grubs become a problem.

Summer Survival for 15,000 sq ft, is available for both in store pickup or delivery.

For lawn protection all year round, combine with Winter Survival for either 15,000 SQ FT or 5,000 SQ FT.