Brussel Sprouts – Jade Cross – 4″ Pot
Brussel Sprouts – Jade Cross – 4″ Pot Brussel Sprouts – Jade Cross – 4″ Pot

Brussel Sprouts – Jade Cross – 4″ Pot


Brighton | 10
Chelmsford | 20
Concord | 20
Falmouth | 10
Osterville | 10
Tewksbury | 60
Winchester | 19
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Jade Cross Brussel Sprouts is an All-American Selection Winner with delicious mild cabbage taste. Tolerates cold weather. Sprouts are larger and easier to remove than other varieties. This variety is also more disease resistant. A compact plant which has 1.5″ sprouts.

Maturity: 80-85 days.

How to Grow:
Plant in full sun 18″ (46 cm) apart in rows 36″ (91 cm) apart.
Water when dry.