Pepper Chile – Santaka Seeds

Botanical Interests – Pepper Chile – Santaka Seeds

SKU: BOT01-0000381 Tags: ,


Brighton | 9
Winchester | 8
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'Tantaka' peppers are a fiery favorite in Japan, known for their hot and spicy kick. Measuring just 2″–3″ long, these thin-walled peppers start green and mature to a vibrant red, offering a Scoville rating of 40,000–50,000 heat units. Perfect for fresh use in stir-fries, soups, and other Asian dishes, or dried for later use. These peppers thrive in containers and garden beds, reaching a height of 24″–36″ and a width of 18″. Harvest at any stage for fresh peppers or wait until fully mature to dry for longer-lasting use.

This packet sows up to 24 plants when started indoors. 30 seeds in packet.

Variety Info:


Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum
Days to Maturity: 70–80 days from transplanting
Family: Solanaceae
Native: Americas
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive perennial grown as an annual
Plant Dimensions: 24″–36 tall, 18″ wide
Variety Information: 2 ½”–3″ long, thin-walled peppers start out green turning to red. 'Santaka' is a hot pepper with a rating of 40,000–50,000 Scoville heat units.
Attributes: Good for Containers

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: For Mild Climates only: 2 to 4 weeks after average last frost, when soil temperature is at least 70°F.
When to Start Inside: RECOMMENDED. 8 to 10 weeks before transplanting. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 70°–90°F. Transplant seedlings outside 2 to 4 weeks after your average last frost date, and when daytime temperatures are at least 70°F, and nighttime temperatures are at least 55°F. Mild Climates: May be sown in late summer for fall/winter crop.
Days to Emerge: 10–25 days
Seed Depth: ¼”
Seed Spacing: Start indoors
Row Spacing: 24″–36″
Thinning: Start indoors, plant seedlings 18″ – 24″ apart outside

Growing Info:


Harvesting: Pick at any stage for fresh use. For drying peppers, allow to reach maturity, 2″–3″ long and red. Continual harvest will encourage plants to bear for months. When harvesting, take care to avoid touching the interior of any broken peppers, as the capsaicin is an extreme irritant, especially to the eyes. Wash hands thoroughly after harvesting or wear gloves to harvest peppers.