Cover Crop – Common Buckwheat Seeds – Organic

Botanical Interests – Cover Crop – Common Buckwheat Seeds – Organic

SKU: BOT01-0000186 Tags: , , , , ,


Brighton | 4
Concord | 5
Falmouth | 5
Osterville | 3
Tewksbury | 4
Winchester | 3
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Common Buckwheat Seeds are an excellent choice for gardeners looking to improve soil health naturally. Known for its ability to smother weeds and thrive in poor soils, buckwheat also excels at retrieving phosphorus, a vital nutrient for root, flower, and fruit development in subsequent crops. Its rapid growth and quick decomposition in the soil make it perfect for planting in the same area just 3 to 4 weeks after incorporation. Buckwheat’s white flowers, which appear around 35 days after sowing, are not only a beautiful addition to any garden but also attract beneficial insects. This frost-sensitive annual is best sown in the spring to fall frost, with the added bonus of providing natural mulch for the soil.

This packet sows approximately 165 square feet. 165 sq ft.

Variety Info:


Botanical Name: Fagopyrum esculentum
Days to Maturity: 30–40 days
Family: Polygonaceae
Native: China
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive annual
Plant Dimensions: 24″–48″ tall, 6″–12″ wide
Variety Information: Upright plant with succulent stems, broad leaves, and fibrous root system. Abundant white flowers appear 4 to 5 weeks after sowing.
Exposure: Full sun

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: 2 to 4 weeks after your average last frost date when soil temperature is at least 55°F, or any time up to 4 weeks before your average first fall frost date.
When to Start Inside: Not applicable.
Days to Emerge: 3–5 days
Seed Depth: ½”–1″
Seed Spacing: Scatter at the rate of about 1 seed every 4″
Thinning: Not required.