Botanical Interests - Bean Bush - Maxibel Filet Seeds - Organic

Botanical Interests – Bean Bush – Maxibel Filet Seeds – Organic


Brighton | 9
Chelmsford | 7
Concord | 14
Falmouth | 14
Osterville | 14
Tewksbury | 7
Winchester | 38
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Experience the classic elegance of French-style green beans with organic 'Maxibel' bush bean seeds. These stringless filet beans produce slender, tender pods that stay perfectly slim until harvest, reaching 6″–8″ long and 1/4″ wide. Ideal for container planting due to their compact, sturdy growth, these frost-sensitive annuals thrive in full sun and reward gardeners with continuous yields of delicious beans. Enjoy them fresh, sautéed, or steamed for a culinary treat straight from the garden!

Variety Info:


Days to Maturity: 50 days
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Mexico and South America
Hardiness: Frost-sensitive annual
Exposure: Full sun
Plant Dimensions: 22″-24″ tall bush
Variety Info: 6″-8″ dark green, slender, round, straight pods, with small, brown, mottled seeds; very tender.
Attributes: Frost Sensitive

Sowing Info:


When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is at least 65°F, ideally 70°-85°F. Successive Sowings: Every 7 to 14 days up to 80 days before your average first fall frost date. NOTE: In very hot summer areas, skip sowing as high heat approaches; temperatures consistently above 90°F will prevent beans from forming.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended; bean seedlings are sensitive to root disturbance.
Days to Emerge: 6-12 days
Seed Depth: 1″
Seed Spacing: 1 seed every 4″
Row Spacing: 24″
Thinning: Not required

Growing Info:


Harvesting: Filet style beans should be harvested daily, or every other day, when beans are between 1/8″ and 1/4″ wide and about 6″-8″ long, not as wide as a normal snap bean. Hold the stem with one hand, and the pod with the other hand to avoid pulling off branches, which will continue to produce. At season's end, plants are great compost material if they are disease-free.

Special Care: Rotate bean (and others in the Fabaceae family) growing location so they are not grown in the same area more than once every 3 years. Bush beans can also be grown in containers but may need to be fertilized if the growing medium lacks nutrients.