Basil – Genovese – 4″ Pot

Basil – Genovese – 4″ Pot


Brighton | 4
Chelmsford | 18
Concord | 13
Falmouth | 11
Osterville | 9
Tewksbury | 34
Winchester | 36
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Genovese Basil is a large leaved variety, excellent for pesto. From the Genoa area of Italy, it is used in the same manner as sweet basil. Genovese has a strong, sweet fragrance, and a uniform growth habit. Grows well in a warm, south window. Genovese symbolizes good wishes. Protect from cold and frost. Won't bolt as easily as other basils. Great in containers or outdoor gardens.

Plant in full sun.
Let soil dry out between watering.