Lettuce – Buttercrunch – 4″ Pot
Lettuce – Buttercrunch – 4″ Pot Lettuce – Buttercrunch – 4″ Pot

Lettuce – Buttercrunch – 4″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0001627 Tags: , , , ,


Chelmsford | 10
Concord | 9
Falmouth | 10
Osterville | 20
Tewksbury | 9
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Buttercrunch Lettuce is a smaller 'Butterhead' lettuce generally ready to harvest 70 days after sowing. It maintains sweetness when grown in the heat of summer, like other 'Butterheads'. Can be grown into the fall without bolting. Great for containers or window boxes. Tolerates cold weather.

Maturity: 70 days

Plant in full sun to part shade.
Water when dry.