product-135609-1719965349-WOB01-0002422 product-135609-1719965351-WOB01-0002422^2

Tomato – Bumble Bee Pink – 4.5″ Pot

SKU: WOB01-0002422 Tags: , , ,


Chelmsford | 4
Concord | 15
Osterville | 5
Tewksbury | 11
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Grown locally in our Woburn Greenhouses, Uncle Mike's Bumble Bee Artisan Pink tomato is beautiful heirloom cherry. Perfect for salads or eating right off the vine. Pink Bumble Bee is a cherry tomato, pink to red in color with gold, yellow and orange striations on 2-3oz fruits. It has an excellent sweet flavor and like other Artisan tomatoes, this variety was bred to perform under tough conditions. It tolerates cool nights and hot days.

60-70 days to harvest.

Light: Full Sun
Water: Consistently moist soil
Harvest: Indeterminate (repeats harvest)