Meet the Dwarf Shinseiki Asian Pear Tree, also known as New Century. This exceptional variety delivers early-season, round, and smooth yellow-skinned pears that are as delicious as they are beautiful.
The sweet, crisp, and juicy flesh of these pears makes them a perfect choice for fresh eating and salads. Plus, they have an excellent storage life, so you can enjoy them well beyond harvest season.
To ensure a bountiful harvest, remember that this Asian pear variety requires pollination by another Asian pear tree. With its dwarf size and adaptability to Zone 6, this deciduous tree is a fantastic addition to your garden. It thrives in full sun, forming an attractive oval/rounded shape.
Elevate your garden and delight your taste buds with the Dwarf Shinseiki Asian Pear Tree, a wonderful addition to your orchard.
New to planting we’ve got you covered with our Trees & Shrubs Planting Guide.
Plant Specifications
Plant Type: Deciduous Tree
Zone: 2 – 6
Exposure: Full Sun
Shape: Oval/Rounded
Mature Size: 10-12 ft tall x 12-15 ft wide
Pollination: Pollinator Required
For best results, pick up some Compost and Bio-Tone Starter Plus!