Stanley Tappermax 9′ w/ Foot Switch – Green

SKU: CHR98-0189826 Tags: , , , ,


Concord | 13
Falmouth | 6
Osterville | 11
Tewksbury | 2
Winchester | 21
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Introducing the Stanley Tappermax 9, the versatile 3-outlet extension cord with a 9-foot reach and convenient hand/foot switch. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, this extension cord provides flexibility and ease of use for all your power needs.

Safety and quality are paramount with Stanley, and the Tappermax 9 is no exception. It comes with a 3-year limited warranty, ensuring your peace of mind during the holiday season and beyond. The vibrant green power cord adds a festive touch to your decor while delivering reliable power wherever you need it.

Trust in Stanley for quality products that enhance your holiday experience and provide the safety you deserve. Whether you're setting up holiday lights or powering outdoor equipment, the Stanley Tappermax 9 has you covered.