Celebrate the season in classic style with our Merry Christmas wrapped bouquet, a timeless arrangement that captures the essence of holiday joy. Rich red roses and pristine white roses take center stage, nestled amid lush green cabbage, white hydrangea, and winter greens. A harmonious blend of traditional colors, creating a festive bed of reds and whites with a backdrop of vibrant greenery. Whether adorning your home or gifting to a loved one, the Merry Christmas bouquet exudes warmth and elegance. Embrace the spirit of merriment with this exquisite bouquet that embodies the magic of Christmas.
*As the weather turns colder we ask that you include the recipients phone number in the Order Notes section at checkout.
If you plan to include a card with your order, please provide the text above in the Card Message field. We ask that you keep your message to a 77 character limit at this time.
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