Muscari Comosum – Plumosum – 8 Bulb Pack


Winchester | 16
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The Muscari Comosum Plumosum, also known as Cotton Candy, is a unique and beautiful flower that will add a splash of color to any garden. The plants included each have a single upright stem and an abundance of soft green foliage. Each stem is topped with a cloud of tiny purple florets, giving it the whimsical look of cotton candy. They’re perfect for co-planting with tulips or daffodils and thrive in moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Plant Muscari Comosum Plumosum in large clusters or drifts for a spectacular display of color in late spring.

New to fall bulb planting we've got you covered with some tips & tricks.

Planting and Maintenance Info:
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Planting Depth: 3 Inches
Bulbs per Square Foot: 12

Plant muscari in large clusters or drifts for a spectacular spring show. Perfect for co-planting with tulips or daffodils.

Plant Height: 8-10 Inches
Bloom Time: Blooms late spring
Hardiness Zone: 3-9

Pick up some Bulb Tone in 4lb or 18lb bags to get the best out of your Muscari Comosum Plumosum bulbs!